Olympian Kate Hansen on Dance Cam


By Josh Tucker

Olympic dancer and professional luger  — strike that, reverse it — Kate Hansen commandeered the Dance Cam at Dodger Stadium on Thursday night. You may remember her from the Sochi Olympics from her time on the track, but you most likely remember from her time dancing to any of Beyonce’s tracks, because her dance moves are next level.

After tweeting:

The Dodgers invited her to participate in the in-game entertainment and Kate said, “Bring it.”:

The @Dodgers invited her to choose the song — a silly question. Beyonce. Obviously. The rest is predictable. Beyonce came on and Kate Hansen shut it down. Unfortunately, we do not have the digital rights to “Get Me Bodied” by Beyonce, so here are a couple of GIFs of her performance:


032714_katehansen_2At the end of the day, we’re here to make life better:


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